We are located at Sunbury Memorial Hall, Stawell Street, Sunbury and open most Monday nights From 5pm to 6.30pm.


Contact Us Form

Get in touch

Would you like to volunteer?  Visit our Volunteer ApplicationVolunteer Application Page to learn more.

Often, the best way is to talk to a volunteer directly so please feel free to visit us and have a chat. The kitchen is open on most Monday nights during school terms between 5pm and 7pm. Check the dates on the Home page if you want to be sure that we’re open.

The address for the Sunbury Neighbourhood Kitchen is Sunbury Memorial Hall, Stawell Street, Sunbury as shown on the left.

Alternatively, you can send an email to contact@snk.org.au.

Or for a quicker option, you can just use the form below. Either way, one of the committee members will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible.


The Sunbury Neighbourhood Kitchen operates at the Sunbury Neighbourhood House and is located at Stawell St, Sunbury.